Community Engagement

Community Engagement

We believe that successful nature conservation is basically the result of working with the local community by helping them solve social security issues to empower their livelihood.

We are enthusiastic to improve and develop a community-based conservation approach around Important Bird Areas (IBA) in Rwanda. By helping people to develop their economic status through ecosystem-based projects through beekeeping cooperatives and Farmers Initiatives and traditional healers, will ensure sustainable conservation. You love helping people? Then you love save nature through them. Explore our community development projects to support your community project you love.

Sub Programs of Community Engagement


Join us as ROC Supporter Start a monthly gift in support of youth club and conservation work in RwandaRead more

Citizen Science

Join us as ROC Supporter Start a monthly gift in support of youth club and conservation work in RwandaRead more

Payment of Ecosystem Services

Join us as ROC Supporter Start a monthly gift in support of youth club and conservation work in RwandaRead more